Embassies of Congo in the World

Embassy Finder
Congo Embassy in the Foreign Countries |
Country | City | Address | Website | Email |
Austria | Vienna | Honorargeneralkonsulat, Graben 27 , A-1010 Wien, Vienna | ----------------------
| rdc@mdk.at
Belgium | Brussels | 30 1040 Etterbeek - Belgium | ----------------------
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United Kingdom | London | 281 Grays Inn Road, WC1X 8QF London | ----------------------
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Switzerland | Bern | Sulgenheimweg 21, 3007, Bern | ----------------------
| rdcambassy@bluewin.ch
United States of America | Washington DC | 1800 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009 | ----------------------
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*The Embassies data is of year 2015 and is subject to change