Christmas Myths and Legends

Twelve Days of Christmas This is one of the commonest Christmas songs sung across the world, right? The ‘12 days of Christmas’ refers to the celebration between December 25 (Christmas) and January 6 (Epiphany – when the three wise men are believed to have visited baby Jesus).  But there seems to be more than meets […]

Oil Prices and the Global Economy

Oil is often referred to as Black Gold and with good reason. Oil has powered the industrial and transportation growth for the last 100 years ever since the discovery of oil at the Spindletop geyser in Texas in 1901. Although oil has been around for centuries, its commercial exploitation was triggered by the Spindletop discovery. […]

Top Politicians Around The World In 2015

There are several politicians who are popular in their own countries but are not very visible in international politics, while there are politicians who may be popular in international politics but may not enjoy wide support in their own countries. In either case, popularity remains a subjective interpretation and changes with time or events as […]

How to Say Hello around the World?

Greetings are the first thing that we exchange with people from other cultures such as ones who do not speak our language or ones who are from a different country or perhaps a different part of the same country itself. It is the pleasant demeanor and a smiling face that helps us strike a conversation […]

Drug Abuse in the US

One of the major problems facing the U.S. at large is the illicit usage of tobacco, illegal drugs, and alcohol. Every year the U.S. loses more than $700 billion in criminal activities costs, healthcare, and productivity losses generated from instances of lost work. The healthcare costs have been estimated at $130 billion and its overall […]

Most time taking non-stop air routes

Ever since the Wright Brothers invented the first aircraft, life for the travelers seems to have become easier. Journeys which would earlier take days or even months to complete can now be accomplished in a matter of hours. Still in this jet age, air travel at times can be monotonously long as there are some […]

Can Russia Become a Superpower?

That’s a question being asked by the international community and by many within Russia. Russians are proud of their cultural heritage and many still look back nostalgically to the heydays of peak military power the nation enjoyed when it was the USSR. After collapse of the communist regime and the subsequent break-up of erstwhile USSR, […]

ISIS War – Who is doing what?

ISIS as a militant organization came into existence in the power vacuum in Iraq once the US began its withdrawal. What started off as a fight for power in Iraq has now spread as a wider movement with an ambitious plan to establish a Caliphate in a wide region that covers several countries of the […]