What is the Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs?

Modern women across the globe are breaking barriers and stereotypes. Woman are much more emancipated and are doing exceedingly well in careers that were previously considered male dominated. Whether it is running the household, serving in the armed forces, heading corporations to leading countries, women are doing it all!
The Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs tracks the progress of women across the globe in the arena of entrepreneurship. The past few years have seen more women entering the field of entrepreneurship and excelling as CEOs & heads of corporations. According to a finding, in 2016 an estimated 163 million women were either starting or operating new businesses in 74 economies across the globe.
However, the empowerment is not spread evenly, as the least developed or developing world, women continue to face obstacles and roadblocks hampering their march to progress. The findings of the Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs reveal that women are faring much better as entrepreneurs in developing nations. These nations provide women with better opportunities, resources, access to financial services etc.
The progress of women entrepreneurs was tracked across 57 markets, spread across Latin America, North America, Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa, and Europe. The report has used 12 indicators and 25 sub-indicators.
New Zealand has topped the list of the top ten countries that have the strongest opportunities and supporting conditions that enable women to prosper as entrepreneurs. New Zealand has topped the list for two consecutive year. The country has an index score of 74.2. Along with New Zealand, the four other countries among the top ten – Sweden (2nd, 71.3), Canada (3rd, 70.9), United States (4th, 70.8), and Singapore (5th, 69.2) – were incredible destination for women entrepreneurs as these offered ease of doing business, access to financial services & products, and strong support for SMEs & quality governance.
The other countries in the top ten list were Portugal (6th, 69.1), Australia (7th, 68.9), Belgium (8th, 68.7), Philippines (9th, 68.0), and the United Kingdom (10th, 67.9).
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