Categories: World

What is the Capital of Zambia?

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Map of Zambia’s Capital City – Lusaka

Zambia is a country in south-central Africa, right in the middle, and it doesn’t touch any oceans. It’s known for its stunning natural beauty, cool traditions, and lots of wild animals. In this article, we will learn about what is the capital of Zambia, its former capitals, and much more.

Zambia’s Capital

The capital city of Zambia is Lusaka. Lusaka is not only the capital but also the largest city in Zambia. It serves as the economic, political, and cultural center of the country. Lusaka is like the main center of everything in Zambia – it is where politics, business, and culture come together. The city has wide streets, new buildings, and lots of parks.

You can visit cool places like the National Museum to learn about Zambia’s history or check out the busy markets where you can see local life and buy all kinds of stuff. Even though Lusaka is growing fast, it still feels friendly and welcoming to everyone who comes here, whether you’re visiting or living here. Lusaka is Zambia’s big, busy capital city. People even call it the “Los Angeles of Zambia” because it’s full of life, especially at night.

Where is Lusaka?

It’s located in the south-central part of the country. Situated on a plateau at an elevation of about 1,279 meters (4,196 ft) above sea level, that is why, Lusaka enjoys a pleasant climate year-round. The city itself is relatively flat, with some areas bordering it to the east and north, where elevation sharply changes.

Forested areas are in the northeast, while savannah woodlands dominate the southwest. Geographically Lusaka is located at approximately 15.4167° S latitude and 28.2833° E longitude.

Interesting Facts about Lusaka

  • In 1921, scientists found the skull of Broken Hill Man near Lusaka. This ancient human ancestor is believed to be around 300,000 years old.
  • In Lusaka, there are some really big termite mounds, like tall towers made by busy termites. These mounds can be as high as 7 meters, which is even taller than a two-story house.
  • Salaula is a busy market in Lusaka where you can find all sorts of stuff, like clothes, gadgets, furniture, and local crafts. It can get pretty chaotic, so be ready for a lively shopping adventure.
  • Just outside Lusaka lies the Lilayi Elephant Nursery, a sanctuary dedicated to orphaned and abandoned elephant calves.
  • The famous Victoria Falls creates an amazing “double rainbow” sight, especially when it’s rainy. The mist from the falls makes a rainbow that you can always see. If you’re there when it’s lightly raining, you might see a second rainbow that’s even brighter, making the view phenomenal.
  • A cool bird is living in the Bangweulu Swamps in Zambia. It’s called the Shoebill Stork because its big beak looks like a shoe. These birds are rare and might disappear soon.

Former Capitals of Zambia

Before Lusaka became the capital of Zambia upon the country’s independence in 1964, two other cities served as capitals during different periods:

  • Livingstone

    Livingstone was the capital of Northern Rhodesia, Zambia’s old name when it was controlled by the British. This lasted from 1911 to 1935.

  • Kabwe

    Kabwe, once called Broken Hill, was another capital of Northern Rhodesia, but only for a little while, from 1935 to 1939. It’s in the middle of Zambia and was known for mining lead and zinc.

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