What is the Population of Rhode Island
The Population of Rhode Island, as per July 1st, 2016 estimate, is 1,056,426 (One million fifty-six thousand four hundred twenty-six). The last official US Government census was done in 2010, and the population as per that census was 1,052,567 (One million fifty-two thousand five hundred sixty-seven). Rhode Island has 5 Counties. Here is a compilation of county-wise population data for the state in tabular format:
Rhode Island Population by County | ||
County Name | April 1, 2010 – Census | Population Estimate (as of July 1, 2016) |
Providence County | 626,667 | 633,673 |
Kent County | 166,158 | 164,614 |
Washington County | 126,979 | 126,288 |
Newport County | 82,888 | 82,784 |
Bristol County | 49,875 | 49,067 |
Total Population of Rhode Island | 1,052,567 | 1,056,426 |
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