
Who are the Female Nobel Laureates?

The Nobel Prize is a set of awards presented to individuals or organizations for outstanding contributions in the fields of…

6 years ago

What is the Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs?

  Modern women across the globe are breaking barriers and stereotypes. Woman are much more emancipated and are doing exceedingly…

6 years ago

What Are The Most Punctual Airports in The World?

Waiting endlessly at the airport for your flight to arrive or depart can become extraordinarily tiresome and frustrating. All you…

6 years ago

What is the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation?

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation, commonly referred to as the OIC, is an international body comprising of Muslim-majority countries in…

6 years ago

What are the Geneva Conventions?

War is a calamity and favors no one. But, before the 18th century, war was much more damaging due to…

6 years ago

What are The International Reactions on the Indo-Pak 2019 Crisis?

There has been serious trouble brewing between India and Pakistan. Kashmir has always been a sensitive issue for both the…

6 years ago

Which Country Produces the Most Feature Films?

A feature film is one which is long enough to the point it can be considered a principal film. It…

6 years ago