World Map

What countries do not have rivers?

The country with no River There are 17 countries without rivers running within them. Globally, 18 of the largest rivers…

6 years ago

Which country hosted the first World Cup?

Uruguay hosted the first FIFA World Cup in 1930. The tournament was held between July 13th – July 30th in…

6 years ago

Who has played the most World Cup matches?

Germany has played the most matches in FIFA World Cup – 106 in all. Following close is longtime rival Brazil…

6 years ago

Which country has been stripped of most Olympic medals?

The country stripped of the most medals is Russia. From the 1968 Olympic Games to date, 140 medals have been…

6 years ago

What is the percent of agricultural land in the world?

As of 2015, 37.3% of the total estimated land was available for agriculture. 71% of the Earth's surface is covered…

6 years ago

What are the cities with over 10 million residents?

Mega cities are continuing to grow at a rapid pace with people migrating towards magnet cities with higher earning potential.…

6 years ago

Which country has the largest population in prison?

The United States of America has the maximum number of inmates in prisons - 2,145,100. The Top 20 countries holding…

6 years ago