
Which US State has The Most Active Volcanoes?

The United States is home to many majestic peaks, however, some of them can be equally terrifying because of the…

6 years ago

What is The Pacific Ring of Fire?

The Pacific Ring of Fire is one of the most turbulent regions of the earth. Covering a length of 24,900…

6 years ago

What were The Deadliest Volcanic Eruptions in Indonesia?

Recently in December 2018, a tsunami caused havoc in Indonesia. More than 281 people were killed. The reason behind the…

6 years ago

Why do volcanic eruptions happen in Hawaii?

The Kilauea eruption On May 3rd, 2018, around 4:30 pm the Leilani Estates subdivision on The Big Island of Hawaii…

7 years ago

Is Mount Rainier an active volcano?

Yеѕ, Mоunt Rainier iѕ аn ерiѕоdiсаllу асtivе соmроѕitе volcano, аlѕо саllеd a ѕtrаtоvоlсаnо. Vоlсаniс асtivitу bеgаn bеtwееn оnе hаlf, and…

8 years ago

Is there any Active Volcano in Europe?

There are over 60 active volcanoes located in various parts of Europe. Two of the best known volcanoes of the…

8 years ago