
Is Balochistan Part of Pakistan?

Balochistan is indeed part of Pakistan. It is the largest province of the Republic of Pakistan, located in the southwest…

5 years ago

How many primary-age children are out-of-school?

Education is the right of every child, but in some countries around the world, a significant percentage of the child…

6 years ago

Does Slavery Still Exist in the World?

Slavery was one of the most abhorrent and disgusting man-made tragedy. It not only wrecked the lives of the people…

6 years ago

How did India get its independence?

“Long years ago, we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge,…

6 years ago

What are SAARC countries?

SAARC stands for South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. The association has eight South Asian nations under its umbrella; Afghanistan,…

6 years ago

Who was Radcliffe and why the line he drew is called the Bloody Line?

The British Government, to demarcate Provinces of British India that were to form part of the Union of India and…

6 years ago

In Which Script Is Punjabi Written?

  Punjabi is written in three different scripts. The Perso-Arabic script used by the people of Pakistan to write Punjabi…

7 years ago