north america

What are the popular places to visit in Colorado?

Right at the heart of the contiguous United States is Colorado - the Centennial State. Colorado joined the Union in…

6 years ago

What is the average monthly net wage in the US & Canada?

The average monthly net wage (after tax) of US is $2,686.12, and Canada is USD $2,394.01. The average monthly wage…

6 years ago

What are the US States and Canadian Provinces that are home to the Rocky Mountains?

Thе Rосkу Mountains, commonly known аѕ thе ‘Rockies', раѕѕ through the US ѕtаtеѕ оf New Mеxiсо, Cоlоrаdо, Utah, Wyoming, Montana,…

7 years ago

Is Honduras a Country?

Honduras is indeed a country in Central America. Bordering the Caribbean Sea, between Guatemala & Nicaragua and includes the Gulf…

7 years ago

Where is the Valley of Ten Peaks?

The Valley of Ten Peaks is located in Banff National Park, Canada. The 2,564 square mile (6,641 square km) park is located…

7 years ago

Is Bahamas a Country?

Yes, The Bahamas, also known as the ‘Commonwealth of the Bahamas’, is a country. The name Bahamas comes from the…

7 years ago