
What are the Key Facts of Mississippi?What are the Key Facts of Mississippi?

What are the Key Facts of Mississippi?

State Mississippi State Capital Jackson Largest City Jackson Coordinates 33°N 90°W Nickname(s) “The Magnolia State”, “The Hospitality State” Postal Abbreviation…

5 years ago
What is the Population of MississippiWhat is the Population of Mississippi

What is the Population of Mississippi

The Population of Mississippi, as per July 1st, 2016 estimate, is 2,988,726 (Two million nine hundred eighty-eight thousand seven hundred…

7 years ago
How did MS become a state?How did MS become a state?

How did MS become a state?

The Miѕѕiѕѕiррi rеgiоn сhаngеd hаndѕ tо thе Britiѕh аftеr thе Frеnсh аnd Indiаn Wаr. It thеn сhаngеd hаndѕ аgаin, tо…

8 years ago