
When are The Prime Minister’s elections due in India?

India is a parliamentary form of government; thus, in the general elections, voters elect the members of the Lok Sabha…

7 years ago

Which country has been stripped of most Olympic medals?

The country stripped of the most medals is Russia. From the 1968 Olympic Games to date, 140 medals have been…

7 years ago

What are the popular places to visit in Italy?

Italy is a popular tourist destination that has terrific places of interest for every category of traveler. It’s a dream…

7 years ago

What is the average monthly net wage in European countries?

Luxembourg, at €38,800.85, has the highest average annual net wage (the year 2016) in the European Union, for a single…

7 years ago

How are Congressional Districts Drawn?

The Constitution of the United States authorizes congressional and states legislative districts to be redrawn after each population census, held…

7 years ago

What is Preclearance?

The term preclearance pertains to redrawing of a district where one section of voters are denied a fair and equal…

7 years ago

What were the Main Conflicts in the first Decade of 2000?

The decade from 2000 to 2010, saw conflicts in various parts of the world but the most violent occurred in…

7 years ago