
What are the popular places to visit in Ooty, India?

Located in Tamil Nadu, India, Ooty is one of the most popular hill stations in South India. Situated in the…

6 years ago

What are the popular places to visit in Alexandria?

Alexandria is a city founded by Alexander the Great, lorded over by Queen Cleopatra, appealed to writers and poets, and…

6 years ago

What are the popular places to visit in Cairo?

From narrow lanes crammed with medieval mosques in Islamic Cairo to the Coptic churches and Roman remnants in Old Cairo,…

6 years ago

What are the popular places to visit in Manila, Philippines?

Some say chaotic, others say jocund, Manila – the capital of the Philippines with the historical district of Intramuros –…

6 years ago

What are the popular places to visit in Bruges, Belgium?

Hailed the world over for its entrancing beauty, Bruges is a fairytale city. Bestowed with the title of UNESCO World…

6 years ago

What are the popular places to visit in Cape Town?

Cape Town is pretty and poignant. Between crisp mornings and groovy nights, the city surprises you with stunning sights, undisturbed…

6 years ago

What are the popular places to visit in Mumbai?

  Mumbai throbs with life. The energy and exclusivity of the biggest metropolis in India is now a legend. It’s…

6 years ago