
How were the Himalayas Formed?

How did the Himalayas formed? The snow-capped mighty Himalayas have nine of the top ten highest peaks on Earth, including…

4 years ago

Why was The European Union Formed?

The EU (European Union) came into being with a vision to end the brutal wars between the neighboring countries, precipitated…

4 years ago

What are The Less-Crowded Cities in Europe?

In 1911, Italian thief Vincenzo Peruggia stole the painting of the Mona Lisa by simply unhooking it from the wall.…

4 years ago

What Countries Will Join The European Union Soon?

While the United Kingdom has taken an exit from the European Union, there are several countries that want to be…

4 years ago

What are the Key Facts About the US Open Tennis Championship?

The US Open tennis championship is held every year over two weeks in late August and ends in September. Despite…

4 years ago

What is the Capital of Burundi?

The Republic of Burundi is situated in Central Africa and is one of Africa’s most densely populated countries, with a…

4 years ago

What is Canada Day?

Located in the continent of Northern America, Canada is the second largest country of the world occupying an area of…

4 years ago