
Which Countries Have No Standing Armies?

A strong military is imperative to ensure the security of a nation and the safety of its citizens. Surprisingly, not…

5 years ago

What are The Top 10 Highest Countries in The World?

The world is full of amazing sights. From the Amazon forests to Niagara Falls and the Great Barrier Reef to…

5 years ago

What Have Been The Venues of The Grammy Awards?

                    The Grammy Award is most coveted annual award for artists…

5 years ago

What are The Largest Annual Human Migrations in The World?

The world is witnessing a migration every hour. It is either people fleeing a war zone, traveling to a new…

5 years ago

What are Some of The Most Unusual Taxes in The US?

We all know that paying taxes is for the good of the country, still many of us prefer not paying…

5 years ago

Which State in The US Has The Most Billionaires?

The United States is one of the richest countries in the world, holding around 33 percent of the world’s total…

5 years ago

Which US State First Elected A Woman as Governor?

The United States is still to elect a woman as its president, but the country has seen a number of…

5 years ago