
What is The Story Behind Chocolate?

Chocolate used to be a bitter liquid, a revered food, a currency, and even considered the food of Gods! Now,…

6 years ago

What Were The First World Heritage Sites?

The world is dotted with beautiful structures and monuments. However, many jaw-dropping monuments/structures have now become just a part of…

6 years ago

What is The Union State of Russia and Belarus?

The landlocked country in Eastern Europe, Belarus, is a partner with the largest country in the world - Russia, in…

6 years ago

What is The Oldest Parliament in The World?

  One of the most sparsely populated countries in Europe – Iceland became home to the earliest inhabitants in 874…

6 years ago

What are The Gruesome Facts About São José – The Slave-Ship?

More than two centuries ago, on April 27,1794, a slave ship named 'São José' , set out from the Kingdom…

6 years ago

What Major Civil Rights Activists were Assassinated?

The civil liberties we enjoy today, were not simply offered to us by the governments. People fought for this freedom,…

6 years ago

What are the historic tallest buildings in the world?

Built in the medieval ages or even before, some of the oldest buildings have run a true testament to the…

6 years ago