
Which Countries Don’t Celebrate Christmas?

  From magical parades to decorative gardens, from gorgeous Christmas light displays to Christmas songs on the radio – countries…

6 years ago

Where are the Most Colorful Festivals held?

Festivals are celebrations of a community, representing the unity and uniqueness of a particular group or region. From religious festivals…

6 years ago

What are the Major Food Festivals Around the World?

“Food, glorious food!”, so go the words of a song from the musical Oliver, based on the book Oliver Twist…

7 years ago

Where is the Largest balloon festival in the world held at?

Thе Albuquerque Intеrnаtiоnаl Bаllооn Fiеѕtа, iѕ an annual fеѕtivаl оf hоt аir bаllооnѕ thаt tаkеѕ рlасе in Albuquеrquе, Nеw Mеxiсо,…

8 years ago

How many people flying out of these airports this Thanksgiving?

It really gets a bit messy on Thanksgiving Day with people flying from all over the US to meet up…

8 years ago