
What countries have the best healthcare systems?

The quality of education and healthcare are the primary cornerstones by which the development of any society can be judged.…

6 years ago

What is Human Capital and how well are nations utilizing it?

Human capital is the pile of knowledge, personality attributes, and creativity present in a person which could lead to betterment…

6 years ago

What are the popular places to visit in Bruges, Belgium?

Hailed the world over for its entrancing beauty, Bruges is a fairytale city. Bestowed with the title of UNESCO World…

6 years ago

What countries rank high in Social Progress Index?

The Social Progress Index is published by Washington-based organization “Social Progress Imperative”, to estimate the ability of a country to…

6 years ago

What is Inclusive Development and what countries rank high?

The World Economic Forum releases the ‘Inclusive Development Index,’ each year to estimate the three basic factors of a country;…

6 years ago

Is Europe a Continent?

  Have you always been in a state of flux, unclear about European borders or the fact that  Europe is…

6 years ago

What are the most globalized countries around the world?

Globalization is the interaction and integration between different people, government and companies around the world. These days, it is growing…

6 years ago