
Mountain Ranges in Europe

European Mountain Ranges Europe is home to many mountain ranges. Some tall, some long, and some with deep historical significance.…

5 years ago

What are The Continents in Northern Hemisphere?

  The Equator divides the earth into two equal halves, and Northern Hemisphere forms the north of the equator. 60.7%…

6 years ago

What is The Oldest Parliament in The World?

  One of the most sparsely populated countries in Europe – Iceland became home to the earliest inhabitants in 874…

6 years ago

What are the Ten Most Beautiful Castles in Europe?

Europe entails some breathtaking tourist attractions. It is also home to some grand and historic castles that our mind-boggling once…

6 years ago

What are the historic tallest buildings in the world?

Built in the medieval ages or even before, some of the oldest buildings have run a true testament to the…

6 years ago

Is Edinburgh castle haunted?

Do you believe in supernatural powers? Many people have no choice but to accept that ghosts are real. They claim…

6 years ago

What is the history of Transcaucasia?

The highest mountain range in Europe – the Caucasus Mountains are attributed as the natural division of the Eurasian continent.…

6 years ago