
What countries have won Nobel Prize in Chemistry?

Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2018 has been awarded to George P. Smith, Frances Arnold and Greg Winter, for they…

6 years ago

What countries have won the Nobel Peace Prize?

Peace, as we know, is an ‘elusive project’ that aspires to make this world a better place to live in.…

6 years ago

How Big is France as compared to Croatia?

France and Croatia are two significant European nations comprising a rich history and culture. France has been a great sovereign…

6 years ago

What are the countries with the highest external debt?

External debt is the part of a country’s debt that was borrowed from foreign lenders including commercial banks as well…

6 years ago

What percentage of electricity is generated by oil around the world?

A necessity for mankind, electricity supports life in a way that we don’t even know what life looks like without…

6 years ago

How Big is England in comparison to Belgium?

Belgium and England are two prosperous countries situated in Western Europe. While Belgium is a sovereign nation, England is also…

6 years ago

What is the impact of Terrorism around the world?

  The influence of the ISIS, one of the deadliest terrorist organizations in the world, may be on the wane…

6 years ago