
What is the maternal mortality rate across the world?

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The advancement in the healthcare facilities has fortunately reduced the global maternal mortality rate. Major factors include the increasing health consciousness among both men and women, importance of hygiene, proper medication, and proper family planning.

According to a World Bank data of 2015, the maternal mortality ratio around the world stood at 216 per 100,000 live births. This was a refreshing climbdown from 1990 when the figure stood at 385 per 100,000 live births. However, there were stark contradictions around the world. While the European Union witnessed a maternal mortality ratio of just 8 per 100,000 in 2015, in Sub-Saharan Africa, the figure stood at an astounding 547 per 100,000 live births.

There was a wide disparity among regions as well. The African nation of Sierra Leone witnessed a maternal mortality ratio of a whopping 1,360 per 100,000 live births in 2105, earning it the unenviable number one spot. In comparison, Cape Verde, located off the northwest coast of Africa witnessed a maternal mortality ratio of 42 per 100,000 live births, making it the lowest among the African nations. The startling fact was that most maternal mortality per 100,000 live births was in African nations.

In South Asia, the maternal mortality ratio in 2015 stood at 182 per 100,000 live births. Nepal stood at the higher end with a ratio of 258 to 100,000, while Sri Lanka witnessed a ratio of just 30 per 100,000 live births. The United States saw a maternal mortality ratio of 14 per 100,000 live births while in Canada it was just 7.

Country Maternal Mortality Ratio (2015)
Sierra Leone 1,360
Central African Republic 882
Chad 856
Nigeria 814
South Sudan 789
Somalia 732
Liberia 725
Burundi 712
Gambia, The 706
Congo, Dem. Rep. 693
Guinea 679
Cote d’Ivoire 645
Malawi 634
Mauritania 602
Cameroon 596
Mali 587
Niger 553
Guinea-Bissau 549
Kenya 510
Eritrea 501
Mozambique 489
Lesotho 487
Angola 477
Zimbabwe 443
Congo, Rep. 442
Benin 405
Tanzania 398
Afghanistan 396
Swaziland 389
Yemen, Rep. 385
Burkina Faso 371
Togo 368
Haiti 359
Ethiopia 353
Madagascar 353
Uganda 343
Equatorial Guinea 342
Comoros 335
Ghana 319
Senegal 315
Sudan 311
Gabon 291
Rwanda 290
Namibia 265
Nepal 258
Djibouti 229
Guyana 229
Zambia 224
Papua New Guinea 215
Timor-Leste 215
Bolivia 206
Lao PDR 197
Myanmar 178
Pakistan 178
Bangladesh 176
India 174
Cambodia 161
Sao Tome and Principe 156
Suriname 155
Nicaragua 150
Bhutan 148
Algeria 140
South Africa 138
Paraguay 132
Botswana 129
Honduras 129
Indonesia 126
Tonga 124
Morocco 121
Philippines 114
Solomon Islands 114
Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 100
Caribbean small states 99
Venezuela, RB 95
Panama 94
Dominican Republic 92
Kiribati 90
Jamaica 89
Guatemala 88
Korea, Dem. People’s Rep. 82
Bahamas, The 80
Vanuatu 78
Kyrgyz Republic 76
Maldives 68
Peru 68
Syrian Arab Republic 68
Colombia 64
Ecuador 64
Trinidad and Tobago 63
Tunisia 62
Jordan 58
El Salvador 54
Vietnam 54
Mauritius 53
Argentina 52
Samoa 51
Iraq 50
St. Lucia 48
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 45
West Bank and Gaza 45
Brazil 44
Mongolia 44
Cabo Verde 42
Turkmenistan 42
Malaysia 40
Cuba 39
Mexico 38
Georgia 36
Uzbekistan 36
Egypt, Arab Rep. 33
Tajikistan 32
Romania 31
Fiji 30
Sri Lanka 30
Albania 29
Belize 28
Barbados 27
China 27
Grenada 27
Armenia 25
Azerbaijan 25
Costa Rica 25
Iran, Islamic Rep. 25
Russian Federation 25
Ukraine 24
Brunei Darussalam 23
Moldova 23
Chile 22
Thailand 20
Latvia 18
Hungary 17
Oman 17
Serbia 17
Turkey 16
Bahrain 15
Lebanon 15
Uruguay 15
Puerto Rico 14
United States 14
North America 13
Qatar 13
Kazakhstan 12
Saudi Arabia 12
Bulgaria 11
Bosnia and Herzegovina 11
Korea, Rep. 11
New Zealand 11
Lithuania 10
Luxembourg 10
Portugal 10
Singapore 10
Estonia 9
United Kingdom 9
Libya 9
Malta 9
Slovenia 9
France 8
Croatia 8
Ireland 8
Macedonia, FYR 8
Belgium 7
Canada 7
Cyprus 7
Montenegro 7
Netherlands 7
United Arab Emirates 6
Australia 6
Germany 6
Denmark 6
Slovak Republic 6
Switzerland 5
Spain 5
Israel 5
Japan 5
Norway 5
Austria 4
Belarus 4
Czech Republic 4
Italy 4
Kuwait 4
Sweden 4
Finland 3
Greece 3
Iceland 3
Poland 3

(Data sourced from World Bank)


Know more about World health:

Related Maps:

World Map
Map of Sierra Leone
Central African Republic Map
Chad Map


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