
How many primary-age children are out-of-school?

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Education is the right of every child, but in some countries around the world, a significant percentage of the child population is denied this very basic right. A number of factors contribute to children not enrolling in schools in these countries. One of the many factors being the economic instability prevailing in the country or the nation being affected by war or violence.

Some other factors that play a significant role is inability of people to afford education because of extreme poverty. In that case, children are often forced to work to support families. Many times, children are unable to understand the language in which education is imparted, as it could be different from their regional dialect. Gender impartiality is quite prevalent as well. Many societies discourage girls from going to school or the scourge of child marriage keeps them away from education. Sometimes, young girls are not sent school or are unable to continue further education as their schools, especially the ones in remote areas, do not have basic amenities such as toilets or washrooms.

The figures on the number of children denied of a basic education are alarming. According to a UNESCO data, sourced across 15 years – from 2000-2017 – there are about 38 million children around the world who have not enrolled in school at primary age. These are typically aged between 6 and 11 years. This staggering figure indicates that today, about 1 out of 11 of children is denied basic education.

The report paints an alarming picture of the Sub-Saharan Africa region. If broken down by gender, girls fare much worse than boys in this region. About 50 % of the total population of children, is not getting access to education. Coming at the second spot is southern Asia; however, it is way behind Africa. When considered out-of-children population amid countries, it is the Asian country of Pakistan and India that has the highest number of out-of-school children. As per 2017 census of Pakistan, whopping 5,324,181 people have not been enrolled in schools, whereas in India, according to its 2013 census, has 2,897,747 children outside of school.

Children are the future of a nation and the foundation of future of the country lies on the education imparted to each and every child. Governments continue to work towards betterment of educational facilities, but the circumstances are quite bitter till date. Its the European countries and the islands of Fiji, Tuvalu, Tokelau, Liechtenstein, Tonga, Palau etc. which have very less number of children who haven’t been enrolled in the education system. It is however apparent, that the population in an area also contributes to the availability of educational facilities for all.

Table below mentions the primary aged population enrolled out of schools in countries around the world:  

Country Number of out-of-school children
of primary school age
Pakistan 5,324,181.0 2017
India 2,897,747.0 2013
Sudan 2,519,713.0 2016
Ethiopia 2,221,454.0 2015
Tanzania 2,207,255.0 2017
Indonesia 2,061,360.0 2017
South Sudan 1,297,786.0 2015
Niger 1,223,142.0 2017
Kenya 1,214,199.0 2012
Mali 1,037,948.0 2017
United States of America 1,013,950.0 2016
Bangladesh 753,254.0 2017
Burkina Faso 746,623.0 2017
Mozambique 728,531.0 2017
Uganda 714,319.0 2013
Yemen 703,884.0 2016
Senegal 628,099.0 2017
Ghana 622,861.0 2017
South Africa 620,845.0 2015
Philippines 586,284.0 2016
Venezuela 485,756.0 2017
Liberia 468,085.0 2016
Eritrea 437,315.0 2017
Côte d’Ivoire 419,597.0 2017
Guinea 406,478.0 2016
Zimbabwe 398,579.0 2013
Brazil 395,798.0 2016
Zambia 363,385.0 2013
Guatemala 298,432.0 2016
Turkey 294,314.0 2016
Papua New Guinea 254,607.0 2016
Colombia 243,808.0 2017
Central African Republic 232,452.0 2012
Honduras 192,262.0 2017
Cameroon 185,386.0 2017
Cambodia 184,824.0 2017
Paraguay 169,579.0 2016
Egypt 163,886.0 2017
Nepal 159,211.0 2017
Dominican Republic 154,709.0 2016
Mauritania 153,801.0 2017
Russia 146,591.0 2016
Mexico 139,577.0 2016
El Salvador 131,351.0 2017
Vietnam 127,071.0 2013
Ukraine 122,010.0 2014
Japan 118,248.0 2016
Morocco 117,890.0 2017
Rwanda 115,483.0 2017
Myanmar 109,055.0 2017
Chile 105,592.0 2016
Romania 104,542.0 2016
Togo 103,487.0 2017
Poland 99,207.0 2016
South Korea 95,530.0 2016
Republic of the Congo 90,113.0 2012
Equatorial Guinea 84,627.0 2015
Saudi Arabia 80,255.0 2014
Gambia 72,584.0 2017
Australia 69,193.0 2016
Lesotho 64,711.0 2017
Lebanon 61,661.0 2017
Eswatini 54,963.0 2016
Panama 53,667.0 2015
Puerto Rico 53,593.0 2015
Benin 52,737.0 2017
Laos 50,332.0 2017
Greece 48,705.0 2016
Burundi 45,208.0 2017
Spain 42,849.0 2016
Timor-Leste 42,619.0 2017
Malaysia 41,794.0 2017
Iran 41,355.0 2015
Djibouti 39,611.0 2017
Ecuador 39,278.0 2017
Italy 39,161.0 2016
France 37,422.0 2016
Azerbaijan 34,961.0 2017
Botswana 33,883.0 2014
Uzbekistan 33,682.0 2017
Palestine 30,443.0 2017
Solomon Islands 28,887.0 2017
Argentina 28,723.0 2016
Israel 25,499.0 2016
Peru 23,256.0 2017
Portugal 21,663.0 2016
Algeria 21,362.0 2017
Cuba 21,346.0 2017
Comoros 19,325.0 2017
Kuwait 19,258.0 2017
Bulgaria 18,895.0 2016
Bhutan 18,367.0 2017
Belarus 16,598.0 2017
Moldova 15,706.0 2017
Costa Rica 13,887.0 2016
Armenia 12,282.0 2017
Hungary 12,152.0 2016
Sri Lanka 12,056.0 2017
United Arab Emirates 11,902.0 2016
Tajikistan 11,435.0 2017
Kazakhstan 11,270.0 2017
United Kingdom 11,014.0 2016
Belgium 10,325.0 2016
Sierra Leone 10,119.0 2016
Macedonia 9,608.0 2015
Cabo Verde 9,073.0 2017
Namibia 8,724.0 2017
Kyrgyzstan 6,773.0 2017
Germany 6,133.0 2016
New Zealand 5,637.0 2016
Estonia 5,385.0 2016
Vanuatu 5,103.0 2015
Uruguay 4,858.0 2016
Albania 4,665.0 2017
Denmark 4,537.0 2016
Oman 4,477.0 2017
Guyana 4,303.0 2012
Croatia 4,007.0 2016
Latvia 3,890.0 2016
Serbia 3,860.0 2017
Bahamas 3,740.0 2016
Tunisia 3,675.0 2013
Mauritius 3,496.0 2017
Mongolia 3,169.0 2017
Finland 3,139.0 2016
Slovenia 2,691.0 2016
Sweden 2,601.0 2016
Federated States of Micronesia 2,303.0 2015
Georgia 2,164.0 2017
Antigua and Barbuda 2,131.0 2015
Barbados 2,126.0 2017
Marshall Islands 1,909.0 2016
Qatar 1,873.0 2017
Montenegro 1,473.0 2017
Suriname 1,363.0 2017
Brunei Darussalam 1,355.0 2017
Bahrain 1,279.0 2017
Cyprus 1,176.0 2015
Samoa 1,154.0 2017
Switzerland 1,146.0 2016
Sao Tome and Principe 1,013.0 2017
Canada 863.0 2016
Norway 848.0 2016
Bermuda 797.0 2012
Malta 585.0 2016
Kiribati 577.0 2017
Luxembourg 436.0 2016
Grenada 411.0 2016
Belize 330.0 2017
Lithuania 273.0 2016
Nauru 263.0 2016
Macao 261.0 2017
Maldives 219.0 2017
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 209.0 2017
Ireland 163.0 2016
Iceland 151.0 2016
Singapore 138.0 2016
Dominica 117.0 2016
San Marino 117.0 2012
Cook Islands 72.0 2015
Fiji 71.0 2016
Tuvalu 31.0 2016
Tokelau 14.0 2016
Liechtenstein 13.0 2016
Tonga 10.0 2015
Palau 8.0 2014

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