
What are the countries with the highest external debt?

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External debt is the part of a country’s debt that was borrowed from foreign lenders including commercial banks as well as government or international financial institutions. Total debt stock and other aggregate measures are derived from the summation of loan-level data on stocks and flows after conversion to a common currency.

Data on external obligations are normally reported to the World Bank in the currency of repayment and are converted into a common currency (U.S. dollars) using official exchange rates published by the IMF.
Changes in the stock of debt from one period to the next can be attributed to five factors:

  • net flow of debt
  • net change in interest arrears
  • capitalization of interest
  • reduction in debt resulting from debt forgiveness or other debt reduction mechanisms
  • cross-currency valuation effects
1 UNITED STATES $17,910,000,000,000.00
3 UNITED KINGDOM $8,126,000,000,000.00
4 FRANCE $5,360,000,000,000.00
5 GERMANY $5,326,000,000,000.00
6 NETHERLANDS $4,063,000,000,000.00
7 LUXEMBOURG $3,781,000,000,000.00
8 JAPAN $3,240,000,000,000.00
9 IRELAND $2,470,000,000,000.00
10 ITALY $2,444,000,000,000.00
11 SPAIN $2,094,000,000,000.00
12 AUSTRALIA $1,670,000,000,000.00
13 SWITZERLAND $1,664,000,000,000.00
14 CHINA $1,649,000,000,000.00
15 CANADA $1,608,000,000,000.00
16 BELGIUM $1,281,000,000,000.00
17 SWEDEN $939,900,000,000.00
18 AUSTRIA $689,100,000,000.00
19 NORWAY $642,300,000,000.00
20 BRAZIL $554,500,000,000.00
21 FINLAND $544,700,000,000.00
22 GREECE $506,600,000,000.00
23 HONG KONG $494,500,000,000.00
24 DENMARK $484,800,000,000.00
25 INDIA $483,400,000,000.00
26 SINGAPORE $482,800,000,000.00
27 MEXICO $480,500,000,000.00
28 RUSSIA $451,500,000,000.00
29 PORTUGAL $449,000,000,000.00
30 TURKEY $429,600,000,000.00
31 KOREA, SOUTH $376,900,000,000.00
32 POLAND $362,000,000,000.00
33 INDONESIA $322,600,000,000.00
34 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES $239,700,000,000.00
35 MALAYSIA $213,000,000,000.00
36 SAUDI ARABIA $212,900,000,000.00
37 ARGENTINA $208,600,000,000.00
38 TAIWAN $204,700,000,000.00
39 QATAR $168,000,000,000.00
40 CHILE $167,900,000,000.00
41 KAZAKHSTAN $159,200,000,000.00
42 CZECHIA $145,800,000,000.00
43 SOUTH AFRICA $144,100,000,000.00
44 THAILAND $135,500,000,000.00
45 HUNGARY $131,800,000,000.00
46 UKRAINE $125,300,000,000.00
47 COLOMBIA $120,400,000,000.00
48 VENEZUELA $103,100,000,000.00
49 CYPRUS $95,280,000,000.00
50 ROMANIA $94,170,000,000.00
51 ISRAEL $93,020,000,000.00
52 VIETNAM $91,790,000,000.00
53 MALTA $90,980,000,000.00
54 NEW ZEALAND $88,080,000,000.00
55 PANAMA $86,550,000,000.00
56 PHILIPPINES $80,880,000,000.00
57 EGYPT $76,310,000,000.00
58 PAKISTAN $75,660,000,000.00
59 SLOVAKIA $75,040,000,000.00
60 IRAQ $73,430,000,000.00
61 PERU $70,090,000,000.00
62 PUERTO RICO $56,820,000,000.00
63 SUDAN $53,350,000,000.00
64 KUWAIT $48,910,000,000.00
65 SRI LANKA $47,800,000,000.00
66 SLOVENIA $46,300,000,000.00
67 MOROCCO $45,720,000,000.00
68 BANGLADESH $45,070,000,000.00
69 CROATIA $44,530,000,000.00
70 BAHRAIN $42,390,000,000.00
71 LATVIA $40,020,000,000.00
72 BULGARIA $39,510,000,000.00
73 LEBANON $39,460,000,000.00
74 OMAN $39,170,000,000.00
75 BELARUS $38,750,000,000.00
76 ECUADOR $37,750,000,000.00
77 NIGERIA $35,230,000,000.00
78 LITHUANIA $34,480,000,000.00
79 TUNISIA $31,050,000,000.00
80 SERBIA $30,600,000,000.00
81 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC $29,690,000,000.00
82 ETHIOPIA $29,090,000,000.00
83 URUGUAY $28,270,000,000.00
84 JORDAN $27,720,000,000.00
85 ANGOLA $27,340,000,000.00
86 ICELAND $27,140,000,000.00
87 COSTA RICA $25,830,000,000.00
88 KENYA $24,990,000,000.00
89 GUATEMALA $23,540,000,000.00
90 GHANA $23,100,000,000.00
91 MONGOLIA $22,280,000,000.00
92 CUBA $20,550,000,000.00
93 ESTONIA $19,050,000,000.00
94 PALAU $18,380,000,000.00
95 BAHAMAS, THE $17,560,000,000.00
96 PARAGUAY $17,350,000,000.00
97 PAPUA NEW GUINEA $17,090,000,000.00
98 UZBEKISTAN $16,860,000,000.00
99 AZERBAIJAN $16,620,000,000.00
100 EL SALVADOR $16,290,000,000.00
101 TANZANIA $15,880,000,000.00
102 JAMAICA $14,900,000,000.00
103 BOLIVIA $14,810,000,000.00
104 MAURITIUS $14,670,000,000.00
105 GEORGIA $14,150,000,000.00
106 LAOS $13,640,000,000.00
107 COTE D’IVOIRE $12,380,000,000.00
108 NICARAGUA $11,360,000,000.00
109 CAMBODIA $11,340,000,000.00
110 ZIMBABWE $10,970,000,000.00
111 ZAMBIA $10,790,000,000.00
112 IRAN $10,560,000,000.00
113 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA $10,450,000,000.00
114 MOZAMBIQUE $10,270,000,000.00
115 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO $10,070,000,000.00
116 BURMA $9,713,000,000.00
117 ARMENIA $9,170,000,000.00
118 HONDURAS $9,025,000,000.00
119 KYRGYZSTAN $8,679,000,000.00
120 ALBANIA $8,579,000,000.00
121 CAMEROON $8,238,000,000.00
122 ALGERIA $8,163,000,000.00
123 MACEDONIA $8,070,000,000.00
124 NAMIBIA $7,489,000,000.00
125 YEMEN $7,252,000,000.00
126 UGANDA $7,163,000,000.00
127 SENEGAL $6,745,000,000.00
128 MOLDOVA $6,503,000,000.00
129 NEPAL $5,948,000,000.00
130 TAJIKISTAN $5,770,000,000.00
131 SYRIA $5,699,000,000.00
132 GABON $5,599,000,000.00
134 SOMALIA $5,300,000,000.00
135 CONGO, REPUBLIC OF THE $5,197,000,000.00
136 KOREA, NORTH $5,000,000,000.00
137 BARBADOS $4,490,000,000.00
138 MALI $4,296,000,000.00
139 MAURITANIA $4,117,000,000.00
140 MADAGASCAR $3,914,000,000.00
141 NIGER $3,090,000,000.00
142 BURKINA FASO $3,075,000,000.00
143 RWANDA $2,966,000,000.00
144 LIBYA $2,927,000,000.00
145 SEYCHELLES $2,729,000,000.00
146 BENIN $2,716,000,000.00
147 BHUTAN $2,710,000,000.00
148 HAITI $2,607,000,000.00
149 BOTSWANA $2,461,000,000.00
150 BERMUDA $2,435,000,000.00
151 MALAWI $2,184,000,000.00
152 CABO VERDE $1,808,000,000.00
153 GUYANA $1,726,000,000.00
154 SIERRA LEONE $1,707,000,000.00
155 SURINAME $1,700,000,000.00
156 WEST BANK $1,662,000,000.00
157 MONTENEGRO $1,576,000,000.00
158 DJIBOUTI $1,554,000,000.00
159 GUINEA $1,530,000,000.00
160 KOSOVO $1,400,000,000.00
161 TOGO $1,387,000,000.00
162 BELIZE $1,326,000,000.00
163 AFGHANISTAN $1,280,000,000.00
164 CHAD $1,268,000,000.00
165 EQUATORIAL GUINEA $1,181,000,000.00
166 GUINEA-BISSAU $1,095,000,000.00
167 LIBERIA $1,049,000,000.00
168 LESOTHO $952,500,000.00
169 ERITREA $869,900,000.00
170 CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC $767,100,000.00
171 FIJI $750,400,000.00
172 MALDIVES $693,700,000.00
173 ARUBA $693,200,000.00
174 GRENADA $679,000,000.00
175 BURUNDI $619,800,000.00
176 GAMBIA, THE $619,700,000.00
177 SWAZILAND $548,200,000.00
178 SAINT LUCIA $523,200,000.00
179 SOLOMON ISLANDS $491,500,000.00
180 SAMOA $447,200,000.00
181 TURKMENISTAN $443,400,000.00
182 ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA $441,200,000.00
183 FAROE ISLANDS $387,600,000.00
184 SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE $343,400,000.00
186 TIMOR-LESTE $311,500,000.00
187 DOMINICA $288,600,000.00
188 TONGA $233,500,000.00
189 SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS $198,000,000.00
190 VANUATU $185,400,000.00
191 COOK ISLANDS $141,000,000.00
192 COMOROS $131,100,000.00
193 NEW CALEDONIA $112,000,000.00
194 MARSHALL ISLANDS $97,960,000.00
196 ANGUILLA $41,040,000.00
197 GREENLAND $36,400,000.00
198 BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS $36,100,000.00
199 NAURU $33,300,000.00
200 KIRIBATI $13,600,000.00
201 MONTSERRAT $8,900,000.00
202 WALLIS AND FUTUNA $3,670,000.00
203 NIUE $418,000.00
204 BRUNEI $0.00
205 MACAU $0.00
207 ANDORRA $0.00

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