Map depicting the ten countries with the best police forces in the world
A strong police department is crucial for the safety of people. Police Departments ensure peace and adherence to law and order in your area. Getting hold of lawbreakers and being the real heroes in catching the criminals in the society isn’t as easy as it looks in many television series.
People are always talking about corruption amid police forces, but people rarely think about the sacrifices they make to save lives. Not everyone can dare to do the most dangerous job in the world.
The Australian Federal Police (AFP) is the principal law enforcement agency in the Commonwealth of Australia, which was established in 1979. The federal police force performs several roles, including national investigations and protection of airports. It also fights major national level crimes including drug and human trafficking, counter-terrorism activities, the war against drugs, cyber-crimes and IP crimes. Another significant responsibility of AFP is its role in handling transnational crimes involving many countries. At present, there are a total of 6,498 staff in AFP.
The Los Angeles Police Department or the LAPD is the third-largest local law enforcement agency in the United States, currently having approximately 9,000 sworn officers and 3,000 civilian employees. The LAPD serves the City of Los Angeles, encompassing an area of 498 square miles. One of the most glamorized police forces in the world, the LAPD has been featured in many movies and television series. There might have been several controversies involving racism and brutality, but the efficacy of the police force in law enforcement is undeniably one of the best.
The Federal Police or the Federale Politie (set up in 2001) is considered one of the best in the world, having 12,262 number of employees. The Federal Police of Belgium carries out several national law enforcement services and specialized services. It also supports local police forces and maintains administrative police operations. Not only is it one of the most trained forces, but it is also one of the most efficient.
The Metropolitan Police Service, popularly called the Mets, was best known by the location of its original headquarters – Scotland Yard. The Mets are responsible for law enforcement in the Greater London area (excluding the City of London district) and play an active role in counter-terrorism activities across the country. They even perform the duty of protection of the British Royal Family and the British Government. It has a strength of more than 43,000 employees.
The National Police Agency (NPA) of Japan works as the central agency that coordinates the various police forces of the country, with 7,721 number of employees. While it does not have police officers of its own, it takes over the entire police system and coordinates relief programs during national disasters. In other times, it is significantly involved in policy matters and in determining standards for police agencies across the country.
Set up in 1845, the New York Police Department or NYPD is widely acknowledged to be one of the most professional and efficient police forces in the world, with a strength of 55,304 employees. Not only is it one of the oldest police forces in the US, but it is also the most significant municipal police force in the country. The NYPD is responsible for law enforcement in all five boroughs of New York City. They have several specialized teams including emergency services, counter-terrorism unit, bomb disposal squad, and anti-gang unit.
The Police Nationale or the National Police is one of the two national police forces entrusted with law enforcement in France. With 145,200 number of employees, it is charged with policing in the main cities of the country and the urban tracts. It is not only one of the best and most efficient task forces in the world, but it is also one of the best trained with very high standards of induction. The force was set up in 1966 and reports directly to the French Ministère de l’Intérieur (Interior Ministry).
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police or RCMP, popularly known as ‘The Force’ is the national police force of Canada. Apart from being the federal law enforcement agency of the country, the RCMP also provides provincial and municipal policing services to the three territories and eight of the country’s provinces (except Ontario or Quebec). It is also responsible for law enforcement in 150 municipalities, and protection of 600 aboriginal communities, and three international airports. There are 28,461 employees in the police force.
The Bundespolizei (BPOL) or Federal Police of Germany reports directly to the Federal Ministry of the Interior and is one of the two federal police forces in the country. While the 16 states maintain their police forces, the Federal Police has jurisdiction over aviation security and protection, railways policing, and even border protection. The Federal Police is a highly effective and highly trained police force with 40,000 number of employees. It plays a central role in maintaining law and order and security in the country.
Since it is the most populated country in the world, it’s employee strength is significant as well with 1.5 million employees. Not only is the PAP charged with law enforcement and maintenance of peace but is also responsible for various vital functions such as firefighting, public security, aversion of drugs and human trafficking, and crime detection. Given the size and population of the country, the task is a mammoth one and is discharged very efficiently.
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