Why is Aletsch Glacier Famous?

The Aletsch Glacier in Europe has a length of approximately 14 miles and volume of roughly 3.7 cubic miles. This…

5 years ago

What Countries Have Maximum Satellites?

Sputnik 1 was the first artificial satellite launched by the erstwhile Soviet Union on October 4, 1957. Since then, more…

5 years ago

What is the Prespa Agreement?

The Prespa Agreement was an accord that was reached between North Macedonia and Greece on June 12, 2018. This agreement…

5 years ago

How did the Mobile Phones Evolve?

Mobile phones have become such a ubiquitous item of use that it seems difficult to imagine a time when they…

5 years ago

What was the Prague Spring?

In the year 1968, Czechoslovakia attempted to free itself from the influence and control of the Soviet Union (USSR) after…

5 years ago

What are the Most Expensive Currencies in the World?

Currency represents money in any form. It is the medium issued or endorsed by the government of a country, through…

5 years ago

What are the 10 Biggest Telescopes in the World?

Telescopes are optical devices that help in producing a magnified image of distant objects. The instruments use an arrangement of…

5 years ago