What are the popular places to visit in Ooty, India?

Located in Tamil Nadu, India, Ooty is one of the most popular hill stations in South India. Situated in the…

6 years ago

What are the popular places to visit in Alexandria?

Alexandria is a city founded by Alexander the Great, lorded over by Queen Cleopatra, appealed to writers and poets, and…

6 years ago

Does Slavery Still Exist in the World?

Slavery was one of the most abhorrent and disgusting man-made tragedy. It not only wrecked the lives of the people…

6 years ago

What countries have the best education systems?

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela While the value…

6 years ago

What are the most competitive nations?

According to estimations by the World Economic Forum, the global economy shows recovery in 2017-2018, yet the policymakers and business…

6 years ago

What are the popular places to visit in Cairo?

From narrow lanes crammed with medieval mosques in Islamic Cairo to the Coptic churches and Roman remnants in Old Cairo,…

6 years ago

Where are the most Terrestrial and Marine Protected Areas?

The majority of the countries have terrestrial and marine (land and sea) protected areas. Some of the terrestrial protected areas…

6 years ago