What are the popular places to visit in Srinagar, India?

A leisurely ride in a houseboat, a walk in a garden with millions of charming tulips “tossing their heads in…

6 years ago

Why does Trump want to Build US-Mexico Border Wall?

Since assuming the Presidency of the United States, Donald Trump has been devising ways to keep illegal immigrants out of…

6 years ago

What country has the most Miss World winners: India or Venezuela?

One of the oldest international beauty pageant – the Miss World Contest, is a mega event which grabs the attention…

6 years ago

What are the popular places to visit in Tarsus, Turkey?

Tarsus is a historically significant city located in south-central Turkey, 20 km (12 miles) inland from the Mediterranean Sea. The…

6 years ago

What are the popular places to visit in Aswan, Egypt?

Nestled in the Nile River Valley, peppered with palm trees, speckled with islands and vibrant mud-brick houses, Aswan is a…

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What countries have the best healthcare systems?

The quality of education and healthcare are the primary cornerstones by which the development of any society can be judged.…

6 years ago

What are the countries with most nuclear reactors?

Electrification, that is, the conversion of one form of energy into electricity, is the need of the hour! The rising…

6 years ago