What are the top 10 countries with the largest forest areas?

Throwing light on the significance of forests, Gautam Buddha quoted that, “The forest is a peculiar organism of unlimited kindness…

6 years ago

What countries still practice Child Labor?

“Child is meant to Learn, not to Earn.” It is the carefree aspect of childhood that is reminisced by people…

6 years ago

What countries have high death rates due to non-communicable diseases?

The World health Organization affirms that non-communicable diseases account for 71% of global deaths annually, killing almost 41 million people.…

6 years ago

How Many Of World’s Top 20 Museums Have You Been To?

From San Francisco to Tokyo, the world is dotted with incredible museums. Exquisite interiors and exteriors, fabulous artifacts and centuries…

6 years ago

How much is the merchandise trade (in percentage of GDP) around the world?

The ‘Trade Winds’ report produced by Oxford Economics on behalf of HSBC Bank, gives insight in the future global trends;…

6 years ago

What countries have the largest music industries?

An escape for some, an inspiration for others, and sometimes even an epiphany – Music, no matter what era you…

6 years ago

What countries still practice child marriage?

The bane of child marriage can be traced back to ancient and medieval times, as a mechanism to boost population.…

6 years ago