Battle of St Mihiel – 1918


September 12 – September 19, 1918


St Mihiel, France – Western Front


Allied Powers – France
Associated Powers – USA
Central Powers – German Empire


The Battle of Saint-Mihiel of 1918 was the first battle in which the American Expeditionary Force participated independently.
The AEF, led by General John Pershing, attacked the German troops who were retreating from the Saint-Mihiel salient to the Hindenburg Line.
Corp I and Corp V of the AEF attacked and took the Germans unawares. The AEF were supported by the French artillery and tanks.


The German camp lost over 5,000 men and another 13,000 soldiers were captured. The United States lost 7,000 men in the battle. The battle boosted the morale of the American troops, who then moved to the Argonne Forest to continue the war.

Major Battles of World War I

Battle of St Mihiel – 1918 Battle of St Mihiel – 1918
Battle of Tannenberg – 1914 Battles of Gaza – 1917
Battle of Heligoland Bight – 1914 Second Battle of Aisne – 1917
First Battle of Marne – 1914 Second Battle of Arras – 1917
First Battle of the Masurian Lakes – 1914 Battle of Messines – 1917
First Battle of Aisne – 1914 Battle of St Mihiel – 1918
First Battle of Albert – 1914 Battle of Caporetto – 1917
First Battle of Arras – 1914 Battle of Cambrai – 1917
First Battle of Ypres – 1914 German Spring Offensive – 1918
Gallipoli Campaign – 1915 Hundred Days Offensive – 1918
Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes – 1915 Battle of St Mihiel – 1918
Battles of Isonzo – 1915 Second Battle of Somme – 1918
Loos-Artois Offensive – 1915 Second Battle of Marne – 1918
Battle of Verdun – 1916 Battle of St Mihiel – 1918
Battle of St Mihiel – 1918 Battle of Cambrai – 1917
First Battle of Somme – 1916 Battle of Vittori Veneto – 1918

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