Countries with Nuclear Weapons

Top ten Largest Nuclear Weapons Countries

There are around 15,000 nuclear warheads in the world and 9 countries control them, of which Russia and US possess 90% of the weapons.

As of 2021, there are nine countries that possess nuclear weapons:

  • United States
  • Russia
  • China
  • France
  • United Kingdom
  • India
  • Pakistan
  • North Korea
  • Israel

These countries have developed and tested nuclear weapons, and some have declared themselves as nuclear-armed states. The possession of nuclear weapons is a sensitive topic in international relations due to the destructive power of these weapons and the potential threat they pose to global security. The Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is an international agreement aimed at preventing the spread of nuclear weapons and technology and promoting disarmament among the countries that already possess nuclear weapons.


RANK Country Total inventory
1 Russia 7,000
2 United States 6,800
3 France 300
4 China 260
5 United Kingdom 215
6 Pakistan 140
7 India 110
8 Israel 80
9 North Korea 10
Total 14,915

Top Ten Countries with Nuclear Weapons Images

Russia is home to the Biological Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention. It is the successor to the Soviet Union as a nuclear state.

Top ten Largest Nuclear Weapons Countries in year 2013

Country Warheads (Active/Total) Date of first test
The five nuclear-weapon states under the NPT
United States 2,104 / 7,315 16 July 1945 (“Trinity”)
Russia 1,600 / 8,000 29 August 1949 (“RDS-1”)
United Kingdom 160 / 225 3 October 1952 (“Hurricane”)
France 290 / 300 13 February 1960 (“Gerboise Bleue”)
China n.a. / 250 16 October 1964 (“596”)


Country Warheads (Active/Total) Date of first test
Non-NPT nuclear powers
India n.a. / 90–110 18 May 1974 (“Smiling Buddha”)
Pakistan n.a. / 100–120 28 May 1998 (“Chagai-I”)
North Korea n.a. / <10 9. October 2006


Country Warheads (Active/Total) Date of first test
Undeclared nuclear powers
Israel n.a. / Suspected 80 Unknown (suspected 22 September 1979)


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