Top Ten Countries by Apple Production

Here are the top ten countries by apple production, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in 2021:

  • China
  • United States
  • Turkey
  • Poland
  • Italy
  • India
  • Iran
  • Chile
  • France
  • Russia

These countries collectively account for the majority of the world’s apple production, with China alone producing more than 40% of the world’s total. Other countries, such as Germany and Argentina, are also significant apple producers, but they did not make the top ten list in 2021. The world map with top ten countries by apple production shows a list of top ten apple-producing nations. There are more than 7,500 cultivars of apples in the world having different characteristics. As shown in the map, China is the largest producer of apples in the world; in 2009, the country produced over 31,684,445 million tonnes of apples. United States of America ranks second in apple production followed by Turkey, Poland, Iran, Italy, France, India, Russian Federation, and Brazil. Interesting Fact about Apples: One of the earliest fruit to be cultivated, apple has a long history and is associated with many religious rituals. In Greek mythology, apple is a forbidden fruit. The popular Christian tradition opines that eating of the apple by both Adam and Eve resulted in the fall of mankind from the Garden of Eden.

Top 10 Apple Producing Countries 2016

Rank Country Production in Tonnes
1 China 4,09,23,200
2 United States of America 51,85,078
3 Poland 31,95,299
4 India 24,97,680
5 Turkey 24,80,444
6 Italy 24,73,608
7 Chile 17,57,225
8 Russian Federation 16,24,000
9 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 15,72,844
10 France 15,31,625

Top 10 Agriculture Map

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