Top Ten Weapon Importing Countries

The following are the top ten weapon importing countries based on data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) for the year 2020:

  • Saudi Arabia
  • India
  • Egypt
  • Australia
  • China
  • Algeria
  • South Korea
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Turkey
  • Vietnam

These countries are responsible for a significant portion of the world’s arms imports, with Saudi Arabia alone accounting for 12% of global imports. The reasons for importing weapons can vary, with some countries seeking to modernize their armed forces, defend against perceived threats, or engage in conflicts or military interventions. It’s worth noting that the arms trade can also have negative consequences, including fueling conflicts, contributing to human rights abuses, and diverting resources away from social and economic development.

Top Ten Weapon Importing Countries 2016

Importing Countries Global Share (%)
India 14
Saudi Arabia 7
China 4.7
UAE 4.6
Australia 3.6
Turkey 3.4
Pakistan 3.3
Viet Nam 2.9
USA 2.9
South Korea 2.6

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