Top Ten Highest Per School Leavers In Fur Edu Map

Map shows top ten countries with highest percentage of school leavers in the world.

According to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for 2020, the top ten countries with the highest percentage of school leavers in further education (tertiary education) are:

  • South Korea – 70%
  • Japan – 59%
  • Canada – 57%
  • Lithuania – 56%
  • Finland – 56%
  • Slovenia – 56%
  • Estonia – 55%
  • Poland – 54%
  • Norway – 52%
  • Sweden – 50%


World Top Ten Countries With Highest Percent of School Leavers in Further Education

Country School Leavers In FurtherEducation(Percentage)
Finland 76.01
South Korea 71.69
USA 71.62
Norway 68.40
Sweden 66.32
New Zwealand 66.31
Russia 65.10
Australia 63.00
Canada 59.99
UK 57.84


Top Ten – Education Maps


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