Top Ten Countries With Lowest Infant Mortality

Map shows top ten countries with lowest infant mortality rate.

The following countries are generally considered to have some of the lowest infant mortality rates.

  • Japan
  • Iceland
  • Singapore
  • Finland
  • Slovenia
  • Estonia
  • Cyprus
  • Luxembourg
  • Norway
  • Czech Republic


Top 10 Countries with lowest infant mortality rate

Rank Country Infant Mortality Rate, 2015 (deaths per 1,000 live births)
1 Luxembourg 2
2 Iceland 2
3 Finland 2
4 Japan 2
5 Norway 2
6 Slovenia 2
7 Singapore 2
8 Andorra 2
9 Estonia 2
10 Sweden 2


Top 50 Countries with lowest infant mortality rate

Rank Country Infant Mortality Rate, 2015
11 Cyprus 3
12 San Marino 3
13 Monaco 3
14 Czech Republic 3
15 Italy 3
16 Korea, Rep. 3
17 Denmark 3
18 Austria 3
19 Portugal 3
20 Australia 3
21 Ireland 3
22 Germany 3
23 Israel 3
24 Netherlands 3
25 Belgium 3
26 Lithuania 3
27 Belarus 3
28 Switzerland 3
29 United Kingdom 4
30 Spain 4
31 France 4
32 Greece 4
33 Croatia 4
34 Cuba 4
35 Montenegro 4
36 Canada 4
37 Poland 5
38 New Zealand 5
39 Macedonia, FYR 5
40 Bosnia and Herzegovina 5
41 Malta 5
42 Bahrain 5
43 Hungary 5
44 United States 6
45 Slovak Republic 6
46 Antigua and Barbuda 6
47 Serbia 6
48 United Arab Emirates 6
49 Malaysia 6
50 Qatar 7


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