Top 10 Countries by Agricultural Imports

Map shows World Top Ten Countries by Agricultural Imports.

Based on recent estimates, as of 2021, the top 10 countries by agricultural imports in no particular order are:

  • China
  • United States
  • Japan
  • European Union (28 countries)
  • Mexico
  • South Korea
  • Canada
  • Indonesia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Vietnam


Top 10 Importers of agricultural Products, 2015

Rank Country Value in (Billion dollars)
1 European Union (28) 590
2 China 160
3 United States 149
4 Japan 74
5 Canada 38
6 Korea, Republic of 33
7 India 28
8 Mexico 28
9 Russian Federation 28
10 Hong Kong, China 27

Source : WTO

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