Top 10 Cotton Producing Countries

Map showing top 10 cotton producing countries in the world.

Based on recent estimates, as of 2021, the top 10 cotton producing countries in no particular order are:

  • China
  • India
  • United States
  • Brazil
  • Pakistan
  • Uzbekistan
  • Turkey
  • Australia
  • Turkmenistan
  • Greece

It’s important to note that the production levels of cotton and other crops can vary significantly from year to year due to factors such as weather conditions, disease outbreaks, and market demand.  

Top 10 Cotton Producing Countries 2017

S.No. Country Production in Tonnes
1 India 6,188,000
2 China 6,178,318
3 United States of America 3,593,000
4 Pakistan 2,374,481
5 Brazil 1,412,227
6 Uzbekistan 1,106,700
7 Australia 885,100
8 Turkey 846,000
9 Argentina 327,000
10 Greece 308,000


Other Cotton Producing Countries

S.No. Country Production in Tonnes
11 Mexico 302,000
12 Burkina Faso 265,500
13 Mali 232,748
14 Turkmenistan 195,000
15 Myanmar 168,000
16 Côte d’Ivoire 132,000
17 Tajikistan 123,000
18 Egypt 113,000
19 Nigeria 105,000
20 Benin 102,600
21 Sudan 95,000
22 Kazakhstan 92,500
23 Cameroon 81,000
24 United Republic of Tanzania 81,000
25 Zimbabwe 75,000
26 Spain 74,911
27 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 65,000
28 Syrian Arab Republic 55,800
29 Malawi 53,800
30 Chad 48,000
31 Zambia 39,700
32 Ethiopia 38,000
33 Togo 37,000
34 Mozambique 33,000
35 Peru 32,000
36 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 31,600
37 Colombia 28,433
38 Uganda 26,600
39 Kyrgyzstan 22,770
40 Bangladesh 18,600
41 Guinea 15,000
42 Afghanistan 14,000
43 Azerbaijan 13,520
44 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 13,200
45 Iraq 13,200
46 Israel 13,000
47 Senegal 11,000
48 Democratic Republic of the Congo 9,300
49 South Africa 8,741
50 Central African Republic 8,000

Source :  


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