Top 10 Artichoke Producing Countries

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, the top 10 artichoke producing countries are:

  • Italy – 495,657
  • Spain – 370,497
  • Egypt – 322,148
  • Peru – 183,386
  • Argentina – 152,980
  • China – 145,498
  • United States of America – 129,083
  • France – 112,900
  • Morocco – 87,456
  • Turkey – 79,123


Top 10 Artichoke Producing Countries 2016

Rank Area Production (Int $1000) Production (MT)
1 Egypt 279,296 387,704
2 Italy 262,848 364,871
3 Spain 143,429 199,100
4 Peru 101,931 141,496
5 Argentina 76,361 106,000
6 China, mainland 55,469 77,000
7 Morocco 46,024 63,889
8 Algeria 38,653 53,657
9 United States of America 36,955 51,300
10 France 30,591 42,465

Top 10 Agriculture Map

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