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World Ocean Map

World Ocean Map, World Ocean and Sea Map

Oceans play an integral role in many of the Earth's systems. The ocean supports the life of nearly half of all species on Earth, providing 20 percent of the animal protein and five percent of the total protein in the human diet.

World Maps with Ocean

Though there generally are considered to be four different oceans, there are no physical divisions separating them, thus the water flowing through them is the same. The five major oceans on Earth are the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and the Southern Ocean.

The Pacific Ocean, the Earth's largest ocean, flows to the west of the Americas and along the eastern edge of Asia. The Pacific Ocean is sometimes divided into the North Pacific and the South Pacific. The Atlantic Ocean is between the Americas and Europe and Africa, and like the Pacific, the Atlantic is also sometimes divided into the North and South Atlantic.

The Indian Ocean is situated below the Indian subcontinent, to the east of Africa and the west of Australia and the islands like Malaysia and Indonesia. The Arctic Ocean is around the north pole, and is the shallowest ocean of all - sometimes considered a sea rather than an ocean. The Arctic is encompassed primarily by North America and Russia, and its waters are partially covered by ice year-round. The International Hydrographic Organization designated the waters surrounding Antarctica to be the Southern Ocean in the year 2000, extending to the latitude of 60 degrees.

The oceans of Earth serve many functions, playing an integral role in the Earth's weather and temperature. Oceans moderate the Earth's temperature by absorbing incoming solar radiation. The continuously moving ocean currents distribute the heat energy around the globe, heating the land and air during winter cooling it during summer.

Ocean Area Average Depth Deepest Point
Pacific 64,186,000 square miles 15,315 feet Mariana Trench (36,200 feet below sea level)
Atlantic 33,420,000 square miles 12,881 feet Puerto Rico Trench (28,231 feet below sea level)
Indian 28,350,000 square miles 13,002 feet Java Trench (25,344 feet below sea level)
Southern 7,848,300 square miles 13,100-16,400 feet South Sandwich Trench (23,736 feet below sea level)
Arctic 5,106,000 square miles 3,953 feet Eurasia Basin (17,881 feet below sea level)

Ocean Facts
Major Water Bodies
Top ten longest rivers Miles
Amazon (South America) 4,345
Nile (Africa) 4,258
Yangtze (Asia) 3,917
Mississippi-Missouri (North America) 3,902
Yenisey-Angara (Asia) 3,445
Yellow (Asia) 3,395
Ob-Irtysh (Asia) 3,364
Paraná–Río de la Plata 3,030
Congo (Africa) 2,922
Amur–Argun 2,763

Top ten largest natural lakes by surface area (square miles)
Caspian Sea (Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan) 143,000
Lake Superior (Canada, United States) 31,700
Lake Victoria (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda) 26,590
Lake Huron (Canada, United States) 23,000
Lake Michigan (United States) 22,000
Lake Tanganyika (Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Zambia) 12,600
Lake Baikal (Russia) 12,200
Great Bear Lake (Canada) 12,000
Lake Nyasa (Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania) 11,400
Great Slave Lake (Canada) 10,000

Based on average annual total discharge
Rank Name Average annual total discharge (km3/year)
1 Amazon 6 923
2 Ganges 1 386
3 Congo 1 320
4 Orinoco 1 007
5 Yangtze 1 006
6 La Plata 811
7 Yenisei 618
8 Lena 539
9 Mississippi* 510
10 Mekong 505
11 Chutsyan 430
12 Ob 404
13 Amur 360
14 Mackenzie* 325
15 St. Lawrence* 318
16 Niger 302
17 Volga 255
Source:  Adapted from World Water Resources and Their Uses, Joint SHI/UNESCO Product, prepared by Prof. Igor A. Shiklomanov, 1999.