North Vietnam

North Vietnam

by Vishal Kumar

The formal Partition of Vietnam took place in 1954. The next two decades saw the emergence of two diametrically opposite societies. North Vietnam was officially known as the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. North Vietnam was the domain of the communists and they sought to the reconstruct and reform the social and economic system. Though the program focused on the economic aspect, there was a social as well as political aspect to it as well. The socio economic hierarchy went for a toss as the capitalism gave way to proletariat dictatorship. However, these socialist reforms were being hampered by the economy, which was still in the hands of the capitalists. With the establishment of the new order the power now shifted into the hands of the top level party officials. They were staunch believers in the theories of Marx and Lenin and they gradually started to make their presence felt. They were in touch with the local population owing to the resistance work that they undertook. North Vietnam and South Vietnam were subsequently unified after North Vietnam took over South Vietnam in 1975. Over the years North Vietnam has sought and established a Socialist Republic.

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