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US Zip Codes

About Zip Code Map:The ZIP Code Map shows the ZIP Codes that are used within the various states of the United States. To make it easier for the user, the states whose Zip Codes start with a particular number (for e.g starting with eight, seven, nine, etc) are shown in similar color.

About US Zip Codes

The USA is a large country, with 50 states divided into counties, parishes, or boroughs. The name ‘county’ is used in 48 states, with Louisiana using ‘parishes,’ and Alaska using ‘boroughs.’ The total number of counties/parishes/boroughs in United States is 3,077.

Zip codes are intended to quicken and simplify the process of the delivery mail. The ‘ZIP’ in Zip Code, is an acronym for Zone Improvement Plan.

The history of the ‘ZIP code’ dates to 1963, when the United States Postal Services started this postal code system. This enabled postage to reach its destination in a much more effective and faster way.

If you want to know the ZIP code of a particular place, then Zip Code Finder (below) tool given below is a easy to use utility and one can quickly find the Zip Code of a particular location or find the location by searching through ZIP code.


US ZIP Codes

State States Abbreviations ZIP Code
Alabama AL 350xx-352xx, 354xx-369xx
Alaska AK 995xx-999xx
Arizona AZ 850xx-853xx, 855xx-857xx, 859xx-860xx, 863xx-865xx
Arkansas AR 716xx-729xx
California CA 900xx-908xx, 910xx-928xx, 930xx-961xx
Colorado CO 800xx-816xx
Connecticut CT 060xx-06389, 06391-069xx
Delaware DE 197xx-199xx
District of Columbia DC 200xx, 202xx-20587, 569xx, 20589-20597, 20599
Florida FL 320xx-339xx, 341xx, 342xx, 344xx, 346xx, 347xx, 349xx
Georgia GA 300xx-319xx, 398xx-399xx
Hawaii HI 96701-96798, 968xx
Idaho ID 832xx-83413, 83415-838xx
Illinois IL 600xx-620xx, 622xx-629xx
Indiana IN 460xx-479xx
Iowa IA 500xx-516xx, 520xx-528xx
Kansas KS 660xx-662xx, 664xx-679xx
Kentucky KY 400xx-418xx, 420xx-427xx
Louisiana LA 700xx-701xx, 703xx-708xx, 710xx-714xx
Maine ME 039xx-049xx
Maryland MD 20588, 206xx-212xx, 214xx-219xx
Massachusetts MA 010xx-027xx, 055xx
Michigan MI 480xx-499xx
Minnesota MN 550xx-551xx, 553xx-567xx
Mississippi MS 386xx-397xx
Missouri MO 630xx-631xx, 633xx-641xx, 644xx-658xx
Montana MT 590xx-599xx
Nebraska NE 680xx-681xx, 683xx-693xx
Nevada NV 889xx-891xx, 893xx-895xx, 897xx-898xx
New Hampshire NH 030xx-038xx
New Jersey NJ 070xx-089xx
New Mexico NM 870xx-871xx, 873xx-884xx
New York NY 005xx, 06390, 100xx-149xx
North Carolina NC 270xx-289xx
North Dakota ND 580xx-588xx
Ohio OH 430xx-459xx
Oklahoma OK 730xx-731xx, 734xx-73959, 73961-741xx, 743xx-749xx
Oregon OR 970xx-979xx
Pennsylvania PA 150xx-196xx
Rhode Island RI 028xx, 029xx
South Carolina SC 290xx-299xx
South Dakota SD 570xx-577xx
Tennessee TN 370xx-385xx
Texas TX 733xx, 73960, 750xx-770xx, 772xx-799xx, 885xx
Utah UT 840xx-847xx
Vermont VT 050xx-054xx, 056xx-059xx
Virginia VA 201xx, 20598, 220xx-246xx
Washington WA 980xx-986xx, 988xx-994xx
West Virginia WV 247xx-268xx
Wisconsin WI 530xx-532xx, 534xx-535xx, 537xx-549xx
Wyoming WY 820xx-831xx, 83414

US Zip Codes by State

- Click on State name for its Zip Codes