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New York and New Jersey Map

New York and New Jersey Map

Description : New York and New Jersey map showing cities, states capitals, highways, state and international boundaries.

Facts about New York and New Jersey

Fact New York New Jersey
Joined in Union July 26, 1788 December 18, 1787
Joining Sequence 11th 3rd
Nick name The Empire State The Garden State
State song "I Love New York" No State Song (state song. I'm From New Jersey is incorrectly listed on many websites)
Area 54,555 sq mi (141,300 km2) 8,722.58 sq mi (22,591.38 km2)
Capital Albany Trenton
Largest City New York City Newark
Population 19,795,791 (2015 est) 8,958,013 (2015 est)
Population density 416.42/sq mi (159/km2) 1210.10/sq mi (467/km2)
Counties 62 21
Cities 62 Cities 52 Cities
Lat Long 43.2994º N, 74.2179º W 40.0583º N, 74.4057º W
Time Zone Eastern: UTC -5/-4 Eastern: UTC -5/-4
Official site
Abbreviations NY NJ, N.J.
Interstate highways There are 32 Interstate Highways I-76, I-78, I-80, I-95, I-195, I-278, I-280, I-287, I-295, I-495, I-676, I-695, I-895
Rivers Hudson River, Mohawk River, Allegheny River Manasquan River, Maurice River, Mullica, Passaic, Rahway, Raritan, Musconetcong, Hudson and Delaware rivers
Mountains Adirondack Mountains, Catskill Mountains, Appalachian Mountains. Sunrise Mountain, Catfish Mountain, Rattlesnake Mountain, Bearfort Mountain, Bearfort Mountain North, Wawayanda Mountain, Wawayanda Mountain, Blue Mountain, Bowling Green Mountain, Buckabear Mountain, Bird Mountain, Lookout Mountain, County House Mountain, Rocky Mountain etc.
Highest Point Mount Marcy 5,344 ft (1,629 m) High Point- 1,803 ft (549.6 m)
Lowest Point Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean