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Demography of USA


Population icon
US Population As per the CIA World Factbook, the population was 323,995,528 as of July 2016.

The estimated birthrate as on 2016 was 12.5 births per 1,000 and the death rate 8.2 deaths per 1,000 of population. The infant mortality rate was 5.8 deaths per 1,000 live births. The sex ratio is estimated to be 0.97 males per female and the growth rate of the population as per 2016 estimates is 0.81%.

The distribution of population is quite uneven. Majority of the population lives in the coastal areas, while the population density is highest along the eastern and south-western seaboard. However, the population density reduces drastically as one travels inland towards the center of the country.

According to the 2016 estimate, 18.84% of the population consists of children between 0-14 years, 13.46% of the population is in the early working age between 15-24 years, 39.6% of the population is in the prime working age between 25-54 years, 12.85% of the population is in the mature working age between 55-64 years, and 15.25% of the population is in the elderly age of 65 years and over.

As of 2015, 81.6% of total population in the US is classified as urban population while the remaining is classified as rural population.

As per the last conducted census, 82.4% of total population in the U.S.A. is classified as urban population while the remaining is classified as rural population.

* For more infomation please see our US Population page.

Social Attributes
The main religion in the US is Christianity, comprising of Protestants, Catholics, and other Christian groups. However, the country also has Mormons, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims. Plus many other smaller groups.

The primary languages spoken in the US are English and Spanish, with other Indo-European, Asian languages and Pacific island languages. Ethnic groups living in the U.S.A. include Whites, Blacks, Asians, Native Americans, Alaska natives, Hawaiian, and other Pacific island natives.