US Area Codes

Description : US Map showing the area codes which are assigned to particular areas in each state of the USA. Click on any state for its further area codes information.
USA area codes instantly tell the viewers the area to which it belongs. Most of the US states have a 3 digit area code map to represent various geographical areas located in it.
Delaware, Alaska, Idaho, Hawaii, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Wyoming, Rhode Island and West Virginia are few states in United States having only one digit long USA area code. Florida with 16 area codes, Texas with 24 area codes and California with 26 area codes are the 3 states using the maximum number of USA area codes.
US area codes are not decided on the population basis; however with population increasing every other day, higher population areas seek more area codes as compared to other areas.
USA area codes map is a clickable map, where users can click on each US state and see the details of that particular state.
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