

by Vishal Kumar

Turkmenistan Flora includes varied types of vegetation like unusual plants and forests. Beautiful as well as colorful Turkmenistan Flora preserves the century old vegetation. Turkmenistan owns a small area of land covered with forests. Apart from that the total land areas of Turkmenistan include an area of 4.6 million hectares where reforestation is required. Turkmenistan also owns 4.2 million hectares of land which demand for seeding and planting.

Turkmenistan Flora includes less numbers of bushes and trees bushes. The flora of Turkmenistan includes 2600 kinds of plants, among which grass is also a prevailing kind of plant in Turkmenistan. The most popular type of plant that grows very rapidly in Turkmenistan is herbaceous plants. Here one can find 2137 species of herbaceous plants. The flora of Turkmenistan also includes 47 kinds of trees, 44 of low shrubs, 88 of shrubs, 46 of semi shrubs, and 238 species of low height semi shrubs. Among the total numbers of plant species that are available in Turkmenistan, 400 plant species have already been recognized as the economically useful plant. All these species of plant includes large variety of useful attributes, aspects and resources what make them economically useful. Among the total vegetation of plant that grows on the territory of Turkmenistan, the Kara Kum Desert includes about 700 species of plant. Turkmen archa is the most valuable plant which is 2,000 thousand years old. Turkmen archa is also known as juniper which grows largely on the tops of the Kopet Dagh Mountain.

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