Political Map of Turkey

Political Map of Turkey

Description : Turkey Political map showing the international boundary, provinces boundaries with their capitals and national capital.


The Republic of Turkey is located in Eurasia, on the Anatolian peninsula and East Thrace. Turkey’s location on the edge of Western Asia and Southeastern Europe makes it an important gateway between the two continents.

Turkey borders a total of eight countries, some in Europe and others in Asia: Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. The capital of Turkey is Ankara, which is located in northwestern Turkey and is only the second largest city, after Istanbul. Istanbul, which is located in the west, straddling the Bosphorus, was the capital of Turkey before it became a republic.

Turkey is divided into 81 provinces, each headquartered in its capital, known as the central district. Most provinces are named for their central district. The most populous provinces in Turkey are Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, and Andana.

Province Population Area(km.²) Area(mi.²) Old capital
Adana 2,006,650 12,788 4,937 Seyhan
Adıyaman 582,762 7,614 2,940
Afyonkarahisar 701,572 14,230 5,494 Afyon
Agri 530,879 11,376 4,392 Karakose
Aksaray 366,109 7,626 2,944
Amasya 328,674 5,520 2,131
Ankara 4,466,756 25,706 9,925 Angora
Antalya 1,789,295 20,591 7,950 Adalia
Ardahan 112,721 5,576 2,153
Artvin 168,092 7,436 2,871
Aydın 946,971 8,007 3,092
Balıkesir 1,118,313 14,292 5,518
Bartın 182,131 2,140 826
Batman 472,487 4,694 1,812
Bayburt 76,609 3,652 1,410
Bilecik 203,777 4,307 1,663
Bingol 251,552 8,125 3,137 Capakcur
Bitlis 327,886 6,707 2,590
Bolu 270,417 10,037 3,875
Burdur 251,181 6,887 2,659
Bursa 2,439,876 10,963 4,233 Brusa
Canakkale 476,128 9,737 3,759
Cankırı 174,012 7,388 2,853
Corum 549,828 12,820 4,950
Denizli 907,325 11,868 4,582
Diyarbakır 1,460,714 15,355 5,929
Duzce 323,328 1,014 392
Edirne 396,462 6,276 2,423 Adrianople
Elazıg 541,258 9,153 3,534
Erzincan 213,538 11,903 4,596
Erzurum 784,941 25,066 9,678
Eskisehir 724,849 13,652 5,271
Gaziantep 1,560,023 6,207 2,397
Giresun 417,505 6,934 2,677
Gumushane 130,825 6,575 2,539
Hakkari 246,469 7,121 2,749 Colemerik
Hatay 1,386,224 5,403 2,086 Antioch (Antakya, Antioquia)
Igdir 181,866 3,539 1,366
Isparta 419,845 8,933 3,449
İstanbul 12,573,836 5,220 2,015 Constantinople
İzmir 3,739,353 11,973 4,623 Smyrna
Kahramanmaraş 1,004,414 14,327 5,532 Maras
Karabuk 218,463 4,074 1,573
Karaman 226,049 9,163 3,538
Kars 312,205 9,442 3,646
Kastamonu 360,366 13,108 5,061 Kostambul
Kayseri 1,165,088 16,917 6,532
Kilis 118,457 1,338 517
Kırıkkale 280,234 4,365 1,685
Kırklareli 333,256 6,550 2,529
Kırsehir 223,170 6,570 2,537
Kocaeli 1,437,926 3,626 1,400 İzmit, Ismid
Konya 1,959,082 38,157 14,733
Kutahya 583,910 11,875 4,585
Malatya 722,065 12,313 4,754
Manisa 1,319,920 13,810 5,332
Mardin 745,778 8,891 3,433
Mersin 1,595,938 15,853 6,121 İcel
Mugla 766,156 13,338 5,150
Mus 405,509 8,196 3,164
Nevsehir 280,058 5,467 2,111
Nigde 331,677 7,312 2,823
Ordu 715,409 6,001 2,317
Osmaniye 452,880 3,320 1,282
Rize 316,252 3,920 1,514 Coruh
Sakarya 835,222 4,817 1,860 Adapazarı
Samsun 1,228,959 9,579 3,698
Sanlıurfa 1,523,099 18,584 7,175 Urfa
Siirt 291,528 5,406 2,087
Sinop 198,412 5,862 2,263
Sırnak 416,001 7,172 2,769
Sivas 638,464 28,488 10,999
Tekirdag 728,396 6,218 2,401
Tokat 620,722 9,958 3,845
trabzon 740,569 4,685 1,809
Tunceli 84,022 7,774 3,002 Kalan
Usak 334,115 5,341 2,062
Van 979,671 19,069 7,363
Yalova 181,758 674 260
Yozgat 492,127 14,123 5,453
Zonguldak 615,890 3,481 1,344
81 provinces 70,586,256 773,575 298,679

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