Tunisia Education System

Tunisia Education System

by Vishal Kumar

Tunisia Education has rapidly developed after the country became independent. Before 1958 only a privileged minority of 14% of the total population enjoyed the benefit of Tunisia Education.

Today education in Tunisia has become one of the major concern of government as well as the society at large. Since 1991 it has been made compulsory that all children aging from 6 to 16 must go under basic education training.

Inspite of being a Muslim country the secular government of Tunisia has always given equal importance to both boys and girls education.

Structure of Tunisia Education

The basic structure of Tunisia Education can be categorized as:

  • Primary Education The primary education system includes primary Grades from 1 to 6 and Preparatory Grades from 7 to 9. This education includes basic education. Students are taught variety of subjects.
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  • Secondary Education The secondary education ends with a high school graduation diploma known as “Baccalaureate”. Five subjects are included in the curriculum of high school, humanities, sciences, mathematics, technology, economics and management.
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  • Higher Education Currently there are 13 public universities located all over the country. There are several private universities too. There are nearly 162 higher education institutions in Tunisia.

Language has always been the priority of education system of Tunisia. Students are taught Classical Arabic in schools by the age of 5.

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