Togo Culture

Togo Culture

by Vishal Kumar

Togo culture has been influenced by the country’s historical periods that have shaped the various aspects of its culture. Right from the people to races and religions to languages, Togo culture is as unique as possible. A tourist would get thrilled by the varied elements of Togo culture.

Togo People

The diversity of Togo culture can be accounted by the fact that various tribes such as the Guin and Mina from Ghana and the Ewe from Benin and Nigeria, had settled along the coastal regions of Togo. The religions practiced by the Togo people are Christianity, various indigenous beliefs and Islam. The official language of the Togolese people is French, while the other local languages has constitute Togo culture are Mina, Ewe, Kabye Dagomba and many other dialects.

Togo Festival

Togo culture is highlighted by its prominent festivals, out of which Evala is the traditional fighting festival that last for 10 days at a stretch. The very ablest of sportsmen enter the arena to engage in a battle of the best. Such is its importance that even the President of Togo watches its proceedings. This festival is celebrated with a lot of pomp and joy by the native people and it showcases the ancestry of Togo culture.

Togo Food

Togo food preparations are hugely influenced by all the invaders that had for long occupied the land, making Togo the hub for slave trade. Basically the food of Togo is health friendly and delicious. The demand or Togolese chiefs in African countries is due to their deft culinary skills. In Togo tourists can settle for both traditional food items of Togo as well as European food. French and German influence on the food of Togo is prominent. This is due to the fact that Germany had controlled the administration of Togo for along time. It was only after the defeat of Germany in the first World war that Togo land became divided between the French and English.


Fufu :  this traditional food item of Togo is made from yam. The yam is first boiled and mashed to be made into dough. Dips and sauces of various flavors are used as side dish with fufu.

Pates :  This is made from maize floor by making in to a dough with water. The food is eaten with different kinds of sauces. Locally available fresh vegetables are used for making the sauce dips. Non vegetarian sauce items are made from meat, poultry, rats and fish.

Kokonte :  This is a sort of a pates made from the locally grown Cassava. Millets and sorghums which are cheaper and can be grown in more arid regions can also be used for making kokonte.

Riz Sauce Arachide :  First a peanut sauce is specially cooked up which eaten with rice. This delicacy is worth tasting and a healthy food. Among drinks that are popular in Togo, Tchakpallo, a for of fermented millet and palm wine are very much in demand. Also, German beer is very popular in Togo.

Language of Togo

French is the official as well as the most important Togo Language. Language is needed in a place to carry on communication between people. French in Togo is used to carry on all official transactions.

Though a large population uses Ewe or Mina languages, French is used in documentation and administration. That is why French in Togo is introduced to children in their primary education itself along with other languages. Apart from French, English is another important language there. English is taught in the secondary department of schooling and it is mainly spoken in Ghana.

France had a strong hold on Togo, as they invaded Togo and had political power in hand for quite some time. That is why, the language French still have its importance in the region. Apart from Togo French, the other important languages in Togo are Adele, Akebu, Bago-Kusuntu, Gbe, Maxi, Lukpa, Konkomba, Adangbe, Ngangam, Moore, Akaselem, Ede Nago, Manigri-Kambole, Ginyanga, Ntcham, Gbe, Western Xwla, Wudu, Ditammari, Anufo, Gourmanchema, Ikposo, Miyobe, Igo, Delo, Fulfulde, Borgu, Fon, Kabiye, Tem, French Sign Language, Kpessi, Nawdm, Gbe, Waci, Moba, Bissa, Lama, Aja, Anii, Ewe, Gen and Ife.

French in Togo is the most cherished language for ages, as the importance of French as a language grew long back, which also made it into the official language of Togo.

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