Timor Leste Attractions and Sight Seeing

The vast array Timor Leste attractions act as a great appeal to tourists from all over the world who come to Timor Leste for some sightseeing.

Timor Leste was formerly known as East Timor. Timor Leste occupies the eastern half in the island of Timor in south East Asia.It is an island located in the land of Indonesia which lies between the Indian Ocean and South China Sea. Timor Leste is a new nation of south East Asia. Travel in Timor Leste attractions and sight seeing consists of a number of wonderful beaches, landscape and mountain.

Timor Leste as a popular tourist spot offers a number of attractions and sightseeing to indulge in. The popular attractions and sight seeing of Timor Leste includes:

  • Dili, the capital of Timor Leste is the popular attraction site of Timor Leste. There are numerous beautiful beaches in and around Dili. In all these beaches the tourists can enjoy the facility of diving and snorkeling.
  • The beach of Pasir Putih also known as Areia Branca, is another poplar attraction for the tourists of Dili region.
  • Liquica is another place which is over crowded by the tourists.
  • Oecussi is an old fort situated at the top of the hill in the south of the town.
  • Lifau is a place where the Portuguese originally inhabited.
  • A big statute of Jesus Christ stands at the top of Cape Fatucama situated at the top of the hill. This is a well known tourist attraction of Timor Leste.
  • State museum of East Timor is another famous attraction of Timor Leste. It was established in 1995. This museum holds traditional crafts, paintings, musical instruments, religious wood carvings and wood figures.
  • Atauro Island is another well known sight scene of Timor Leste. This island offers boat ride with the wonderful experience of the dolphins and pilot whales. Snorkeling is also enjoyed in this island. Bamboo cabins at Tua Koin and the eco village is the most unique attraction of this place.
  • Arte Moris is a famous cultural center established in the February 2003 by a Swiss artist Luca Gansser and the youth of East Timor; Gabriela Gansser is a well known place to see in Timor Leste. It is the first fine art school within the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste. It is a popular attraction for the tourists.
  • Baucau is the second largest city in Timor Leste. This city holds the wonderful architecture of the colonial times and the caves used by the Japanese during the Second World War.
  • Mountaineering and treking can be enjoyed by the people in Ainaro district. Trekking can also be done in Mount Matebian and Loelaco Mountain.
  • The old 17th century fort of Maubara. One part of the fort has military ruins from the Portuguese times and the other part has strong coastal sea facing walls.
  • Com is a well known fishing village. Snorkeling and fishing are the popular attractions of this place.
  • Maubissa in Ainaro district of Timor Leste is a hill town of the past which offers the tourists long walks and trekking. Mambae house is the unique attraction of this place.

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