Districts of Sing Buri, Thailand |
District | Population | Area(km.²) |
Bang Rachan | 37936 | 191 |
In Buri | 63829 | 314 |
Khai Bang Rachan | 29813 | 88 |
Phrom Buri | 26887 | 83 |
Sing Buri | 58044 | 112 |
Tha Chang | 16257 | 34 |
Description : Map showing the administrative divisions of the Sing Buri Province, Thailand.
Districts of Sing Buri, Thailand |
District | Population | Area(km.²) |
Bang Rachan | 37936 | 191 |
In Buri | 63829 | 314 |
Khai Bang Rachan | 29813 | 88 |
Phrom Buri | 26887 | 83 |
Sing Buri | 58044 | 112 |
Tha Chang | 16257 | 34 |
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