Tanzania Map Africa

Tanzania Map Africa

Description : Tanzania Political map showing the international boundary, regions boundaries with their capitals and national capital.

Tanzania Location

Located in Eastern Africa, Tanzania borders the Indian Ocean. It is situated between Mozambique and Kenya. It on the geographical coordinates of 6° South and 35° East latitude and longitude respectively. The other border countries of Tanzania are Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia and Malawi.

The coastline measures 1,424 km. the total area covered by Tanzania is 945,087 sq km, out of which the land covers 886,037 sq km and the water bodies cover 59,050 sq km. Kilimanjaro, situated at an elevation 5,895 meters is the highest point of Tanzania.

Tanzania Political Map shows the important regions and cities of Tanzania together with its geographical location. Lake Victoria is located in the north.

Capital of Tanzania

Dodoma is the capital of Tanzania and lies on the geographical coordinates of 6° 48′ South latitude and 39° 17′ East longitude. It is highlighted on the Political Map of Tanzania by a red square. The Daressalaam and the Zanzibar airport are the nearest airports to this city.

Regions of Tanzania

The various regions (provinces) of Tanzania as shown on the Tanzania Map are:

  • Arusha
  • Mtwara
  • Ruvuma
  • Dodoma
  • Kagera
  • Shinyanga
  • Kigoma
  • Lindi
  • Manyara
  • Iringa
  • Morogoro
  • Kilimanjaro
  • Mwanza
  • Pemba North
  • Pemba South
  • Pwani
  • Dar es Salaam
  • Rukwa
  • Mara
  • Singida
  • Tabora
  • Mbeya
  • Tanga
  • Zanzibar North
  • Zanzibar Urban/West
  • Zanzibar Central/South

The capital cities of these places are indicated on the Tanzania Political Map by a white square.

Tanzania Cities

The important cities that are spread throughout the country are marked on the Printable Map of Tanzania by black dots. Some of these cities are:

  • Nansio
  • Sengerema
  • Same
  • Kondoa
  • Urambo
  • Kasulu
  • Chunya
  • Tunduru
  • Masasi
  • Liwale
  • Njombe


Region Population Area(km.²) Area(mi.²) Capital
Arusha 1,292,973 33,809 13,054 Arusha
Dar es Salaam 2,497,940 1,393 538 Dar es Salaam
Dodoma 1,698,996 41,311 15,950 Dodoma
Geita Geita
Iringa 1,495,333 56,864 21,955 Iringa
Kagera 2,033,888 28,388 10,961 Bukoba
Katavi Mpanda
Kigoma 1,679,109 37,037 14,300 Kigoma
Kilimanjaro 1,381,149 13,309 5,139 Moshi
Lindi 791,306 67,000 25,869 Lindi
Manyara 1,040,461 46,359 17,899 Babati
Mara 1,368,602 19,566 7,554 Musoma
Mbeya 2,070,046 60,350 23,301 Mbeya
Morogoro 1,759,809 70,799 27,336 Morogoro
Mtwara 1,128,523 16,707 6,451 Mtwara
Mwanza 2,942,148 19,592 7,565 Mwanza
Njombe Njombe
Pemba North 186,013 574 222 Wete
Pemba South 176,153 332 128 Chake Chake
Pwani 889,154 32,407 12,512 Dar es Salaam
Rukwa 1,141,743 68,635 26,500 Sumbawanga
Ruvuma 1,117,166 63,498 24,517 Songea
Shinyanga 2,805,580 50,781 19,607 Shinyanga
Simiyu Bariadi
Singida 1,090,758 49,341 19,051 Singida
Tabora 1,717,908 76,151 29,402 Tabora
Tanga 1,642,015 26,808 10,351 Tanga
Zanzibar North 136,953 470 181 Mkokotoni
Zanzibar South and Central 94,504 854 330 Koani
Zanzibar West 391,002 230 89 Zanzibar
30 regions 34,569,232 882,565 340,760


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